Thursday, June 2, 2016

7 Rules to Staying Out of the Friend Zone

Dating is pretty much a contact sport. For men, it’s an expression of masculinity; the more competitive the better.
Using sports as an analogy, being friend-zoned is equivalent to losing the championship game. The wrong play at the wrong time can ultimately cost you the game.

Fellas, here is a play-by-play of how to avoid the friend zone.

1) Uninvited picture requests are annoying

Guaranteed to catch the deep sigh and a side eye, unwarranted requests for pictures is the surest way to go from potential candidate to friend zone expert. There is no quicker turn off than a man who is aggressively trying to push past the getting to know you phase. This may not be the message you are trying to convey when requesting pictures, but it’s what we hear. Take your time and let the woman lead. When we are ready to go to the next level, you won’t have to ask. We are very intentional about our communication when we like someone, and pictures are part of the package.

2) Conversation is a skill, and practice makes perfect

The, “wyd” generic conversation gets old quick. While looks may be mentioned, if you ask a woman what attracts her to a man, conversation and a good sense of humor are bound to be included on the list. If you cannot get a woman to stay up all night talking to you about everything and absolutely nothing, she will start to disengage with you.

3) Too Much, too soon

I know most men feel a need to be in control, but if ever there was a time to let the woman lead, it’s during the getting to know you phase. Until you get a signal from her, do everything in moderation. It’s OK to keep your cool. If you are constantly texting, constantly calling, always eager to be there at her beck and call, and overly enthusiastic about expressing your feelings for her before she has confirmed that she is interested, you may unexpectedly be shifting from the guy she was interested in to the guy that she’s avoiding.

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